Rational Use of Water Educational Campaign

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Coastal cities as well as Brazil still need to advance in access to water to achieve universalization. Actions to reduce water consumption are important for everyone. Even if industrial consumption is still significant, co-responsibility in the uses made by people is important, because if everyone does their part, there will be no shortage of water.

FunBEA and the Comitê da Bacia Hidrográfica da Baixada Santista (River Basin Committee of Baixada Santista) carried out the Água é Vida (Water is Life) campaign (summer 2021/2022) for the conscious use of water in this important coastal region, which in the high season triples the population.

In addition to the video broadcast by TV Tribuna, in the two weeks of the high-season environmental education actions were carried out for the campaign with “cine-debates” in the 9 municipalities that are part of the coast of Baixada Santista.

Cine debate

Cinema sessions and debates on the rational use campaign “Água é Vida” in the Baixada Santista/SP region, summer of 2022.

Fotos: Cinema na Kombi/Luís Paiva